GETTING HERE: The Factory Theatre is located at 105 Victoria Road MARRICKVILLE.

PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Where possible and certainly if you are coming from within a 10 kilometre radius of the Factory, we recommend that you arrive by public transport and return by taxi (or public transport). The Newtown/Enmore Precinct are well served by public transport both trains and buses, late into the evening.

BUSES: For maps and timetables, phone 131 500 or visit or

The following bus services stop outside the theatre: 423 and 426 (428 turns off at Addison Rd – Vic on the Park Hotel, 2 min walk from the Factory.) These services operate from Circular Quay via Central Station.

The combination of these three bus services results in an average frequency of around one bus every 10-15 minutes.   Service frequencies are greatest on weekdays and lowest on weekends.   Regular bus services cease at around midnight on most evenings.   Around one-third of services are accessible, and these are identified on timetables.

TRAINS: The Factory Theatre is a 20 minute walk or a 5 minute bus ride from Newtown Railway Station. Bus services 423 and 426 operate from Newtown Station directly to The Factory Theatre. These services are reasonably frequent and continue late into the evening (after midnight). The Factory Theatre is also a 15 minute walk from Sydenham and Marrickville Railway Stations.

For maps and Timetable information, phone 131 500 or visit or

PARKING: Newtown, Enmore and Marrickville are well served by public transport and taxis. However, if it is necessary to drive there is limited onsite parking, and plentiful local street parking.

In the immediate vicinity there is a small number of residential houses and patrons are strongly requested not to park in front of any houses. Patrons are recommended to park on one of the following streets which offer plentiful, unrestricted parking:

  • Victoria Road, including and along Enmore Park.

  • Rich Street, immediately past The Factory Theatre, on the right when travelling from the city.

  • Chapel Street, 20 meters past Rich Street on the left, when travelling from the city.

Patrons are asked to respect the neighbours by not parking in front of houses, especially along Cook Road, Brompton and Smith Streets. Patrons are also asked to keep noise to a minimum when returning to their vehicles.

ACCESSIBILITY: For wheelchair assistance please notify our Box Office on (02) 9550 3666 if you are purchasing tickets to an event.